I recently gave to workshop seminars at a conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. Both were on Creating Effective Presentations, but one was called PowerPoint 101, for intermediate users, and one was called Advanced PowerPoint, for advanced users.
In the advanced session, I covered using video, Adobe Flash, and animation. I also discussed the conception of a ocular menu, with golf course to subdivisions of the presentation. The conception is very similar to a Web-Style Presentation, which I cover in another tip .
However, in this case, I refined the thought for usage as a gross sales presentation. The conference was for Financial & Insurance Conference Planners, and many "hospitality partners" attended -- gross sales representatives of hotels and traveling companies. These people often utilize PowerPoint to demo their companies' locales and services.
To show you how this works, I've created a fabricated hotel, Shangri-La Hotel, and used it for the presentation. It's a great topographic point to go!
In this example, the representative desires to discourse the followers subjects with the possible client:
* The beautiful invitee rooms
* The sumptuous dining, for invitees and for big groups
* The amenities, including the pool, the sauna, and the gym
* The conference and meeting rooms
* The activities available locally
The first microscope slide have a photograph of the hotel, with callout AutoShapes pointing to the assorted areas. Each callout is a hyperlink to the appropriate microscope slide in the presentation. (If you had respective microscope slides on each topic, you would hyperlink to the first microscope microscope slide of that section.)
Here's the slide for the meeting rooms. The "I like doing concern here" callout hyperlinks to this slide.
The "badge" at the upper-left corner is a hyperlink back to the menu. You put this on every slide, so you can easily chink it to go back to the bill of fare at any time.
This type of agreement lets the representative to carry on a client-centered presentation. Some clients are more than than interested in the meeting rooms; others are more interested in the invitee rooms. So you can travel around the presentation according to the petition of the possible client. It's very considerate of the client's demands and desires. If the client have no preference, the representative can utilize the hyperlinks in any order to run the presentation.
To infix the callouts, chink AutoShapes on the Drawing toolbar and take Callouts. (In PowerPoint 2007, chink the Insert check and take Shapes.) Then take one of the options. You can then come in textual matter for the callout. You can drag the point, shown by a yellowish diamond, anywhere you want.
To add hyperlinks, chink the outside boundary line of an AutoShape. Then take Insert> Hyperlink. (In 2007, chink Hyperlink on the Insert tab.) In the Insert Hyperlink dialogue box, chink the Topographic Point in This Document button on the left. You can then take the microscope microscope microscope slide you desire from the listing of microscope slides that displays.
When you put the "badge" on the 2nd slide, add a hyperlink to the first slide. Then copy and paste it to all the other slides. The hyperlink come ups along with the AutoShape or image! If you want, you can put the badge on the microscope slide master.
Would you like to see how it works? Download the presentation.
----This article in its original word form may have got included mental images and/or other media. To see the original article, travel to: http://www.ellenfinkelstein.com/powerpointtips/powerpoint_tip_create_visual_menu.html
----For more than free PowerPoint tips, travel to: http://www.ellenfinkelstein.com/powerpoint_tip.html
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